Register with the National Cyber Security Centre

With 1 April 2025 fast approaching, the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) invites you to assess your eligibility as a National Cyber Security Law (NCSL) Essential Service Provider or Important Service Provider and voluntarily register with the National Cyber Security Centre!

Who must register?

Every organisation operating or providing services in Latvia is required to assess whether it is subject to the requirements of the NCSL under Article 22, part 1of the NCSL. In order to understand whether an organisation is a subject of the law - important service provider, an essential service provider or an owner or legal holder of critical information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure - it is necessary to take into account the legal status of the organisation, its place of registration, its size and the scope and importance of the services it provides. The NCSL defines a detailed range of subjects, contained in Articles 20 and 21 of the Law, explaining who are the providers of essential services and important services for the purposes of the NCSL, which we invite and encourage you to familiarise yourself with.

To help institutions, organisations and businesses determine whether they are subject to the provisions of NCSL, NCSC has created an interactive tool - a test - which you are kindly invited to complete:

Why register?

In accordance with Clause 7 of the Transitional Provisions of the NCSL, notify (submit a registration form) to the NCSC no later than 1 April 2025 of its eligibility as an essential or important service provider.

The registration form will be approved by the Cabinet of Ministers Regulation on Minimum Cyber Security Requirements. The draft Cabinet of Ministers Regulation on Minimum Requirements for Cyber Security is still in the process of approval. The current version and progress of the draft Regulation can be found here. Annex 1 to the draft Regulation contains a form for the notification of Essential or Important Service Provider status.

How to register?

  1. The registration form includes basic information about the subject, contact details, status notation, field(s) of activity, countries in which the subject operates, IP address ranges and contact person;
  2. Use the official electronic address (e-address) of the addressee «Aizsardzības ministrija Nacionālais kiberdrošības centrs»;
  3. The completed form should be attached as an annex (form available here);
  4. The form must be sent electronically signed.
Example of sending the registration form via the official email addressAnketas piemērs reģistrācijai NKDC



If you have any additional questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the NIS2 point of contact at the National Cyber Security Centre via email: