"Armed with knowledge" info day across Latvian municipalities

06/05/2024 - 14:56
In Latvia
Information prepared by
Media Relations Section

On 15 June, from 10:00 to 15:00, fourteen Latvian municipalities – Riga, Bauska, Jūrmala, Ogre, Valmiera, Balvi, Gulbene, Rēzekne, Daugavpils, Jēkabpils, Jelgava,  Liepāja, Ventspils and Kuldīga – will host the "Armed with knowledge" info day events for general population to show everyone through practical training how to respond to a crisis.  

“In current security environment in Europe, with Russia’s unlawful aggression against a sovereign country right on our doorstep and Ukraine fighting back for its freedom, everyone of us must ask themselves whether we are ready and capable to defend ourselves, our fellow Latvians and our state. I invite all residents of Latvia to come to info day events on 15 June to use the time of peace to arm themselves with knowledge and  confidence about the right course of action in case of any type of crisis,” urges Defence Minister Andris Sprūds. 

“Preparedness at the individual level has enormous impact on our ability to defend Latvia as a whole. In case of military aggression, our National Armed Force units, which also include the National Guard formations, will primarily be responsible for defending our land and people against external aggression. Whereas wartime civil protection system stands on two key pillars: basic needs of  population and support for National Armed Forces in implementation of various national defence tasks,” says Commander of National Guard, Brigade General Kaspars Pudāns. 

All locations will have several stations where residents can learn information and skills vital in providing first aid, emergency stockpiling, exposure to explosive devices, radiation or chemical threats, and finding of reliable information.  Several cities will also present their Civil Protection Plans. Info days will offer training modules that will be repeated several times.

Before going to an event, it is highly recommendable to read the information on platform Sargs.lv, section 72 hours. In addition to the updated version of How to act in case of crisis, it also contains a new leaflet based on lessons learned from Ukrainian army’s fight against Russian invaders – How to act in case of war: www.sargs.lv/lv/72stundas  

"Armed with knowledge" info day locations: Riga, Ziedoņdārzs and Uzvaras parks; at the primary school of the Jūrmala State Gymnasium in Kauguri, Raiņa iela 55, Jūrmala; at the Ogre Regional Culture Centre, Brīvības iela 15, Ogre; at Bauskas Regional Council, Uzvaras iela 1, Bauska; at Valmiera Culture Centre, Rīgas iela 10, Valmiera; at the Balvi Culture and Recreation Centre, Brīvības iela 61C, Balvi; Gulbene Stadium, O. Kalpaka iela 1A, Gulbene; Rēzekne Culture and Recreation Park, Raiņa iela 29A, Rēzekne; Andrejs Pumpurs square, Ģimnāzijas iela 31, Daugavpils; at the Krustpils Culture Centre, Rīgas iela 212, Jēkabpils; at the Great Amber concert hall, Radio iela 8, Liepāja; Hercogs Jēkabs square in Jelgava; Kuldīga Outdoor Stage, Pētera iela 5, Kuldīga and Ventspils Town Square. 

The Info day is organised by Ministry of Defence together with National Guard, State Fire and Rescue Service, Emergency Medical Service and local governments. 

Media contacts:

MoD Military Public Affairs Department
Media Relations Section
Phone: 67335393
E-mail: prese@mod.gov.lv


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