Baltic defence ministers meeting in Liepaja to discuss current regional security issues

11/28/2018 - 17:22
International cooperation
Information prepared by
Meda Relations Section

On 7 – 8  December, defence ministers of all three Baltic States will meet in Liepaja to discuss the current regional defence and security issues.

Meeting between Defence Minister Raimonds Bergmanis, Raimundas Karoblis, Defence Minister of Lithuania and Jüri Luik, Defence Minister of Estonia, will focus on strengthening military cooperation of the Baltic States, preparing for NATO Brussels summit of 11 – 12 July 2018, issues of enhanced forward presence of NATO in the Baltics and trilateral defence cooperation with the United States of America, as well as defence cooperation of the member states of the European Union, in particular, Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) projects.

On 8 December at 12.30, Baltic defence ministers will also participate in raising a large Latvian national flag in J. Cakstes square in Liepaja. The 50 m2 flag  will be raised on a 35 m mast. The ceremony will begin with a march by the Naval Force Flotilla group of the National Armed Forces Orchestra.

The large flag is intended to honour the national symbol of Latvia and promote patriotism and pride in Latvia. The aim of the unique long-term project "Latvian Flag" is to set up inspiring Latvian flags in important, highly visible locations of national significance throughout Latvia  leading up to Latvia’s centenary in 2018. 

In 1991 Baltic Council adopted a resolution on development of joint defence concept for Baltic States. On 2 June 1992, Baltic defence ministers signed a memorandum of understanding, formalising the cooperation between the defence ministries of all three Baltic countries in the area of joint security. Such cooperation is aimed at developing national defence structures in all three states. It also promotes the development and application of capabilities, compatibility with defence resources of allied states. Another objective of joint cooperation is to ensure smooth coordination in scope of peace-keeping and crisis management operations.

One of the formats of the Baltic defence cooperation is Ministerial Committee composed of the defence ministers of the three states. The presidency of the Ministerial Committee is taken in turn by each of the three Baltic States for a period of one year, and Latvia is the presiding country this year. 

Meetings of the Baltic defence ministers are held twice a year. The first meeting of 2017 was organized in June, in Daugavpils, and the second will take place in Liepaja.  


Media Relations Section
Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia
Phone: (+371) 6 7335045