The Case of the Baltic Sea Region to be Discussed During the Seminar on Implementing the EU Maritime Security Strategy

11/30/2018 - 10:00
In Latvia
Information prepared by
Media Relations Section

Riga, 25 May, 2015. – On May 26 in Brussels, the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia and the Ministry of Defence of Sweden organize an interactive seminar “Implementing the EU Maritime Security Strategy: the Case of the Baltic Sea Region” to explore and address the core issues relevant to the Baltic Sea Region and provide possible solutions suitable also for other regions.

The EU Maritime Security Strategy`s (EUMSS) implication on maritime surveillance, the NATO-EU synergies in maritime surveillance, the Baltic/Nordic region specifics and practical initiatives in maritime surveillance will be discussed during the seminar.

The discussions will be moderated by Rear Admiral Odd Werin, the Swedish Military Representative to the EU and the speakers will represent the European Commission, NATO International Military Staff, the Netherlands and Latvia.

The EUMSS was adopted in June 2014 and it provides not only an opportunity for the EU to assert its role as a global maritime power, but also to focus on the internal maritime situation, striving to change the mindset of the Member States to establish a cross-sectorial approach.

Also the NATO has been working on building the Maritime Command and Control Information System (MCCIS) maritime surveillance network. These efforts of both organizations need to be coordinated as much as possible to escape duplication and ensure interoperability.


Media contacts:
Anete Gnēze, Senior Desk Officer of the Media Relations Section
Military Public Affairs Department
Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia
Phone: 00 371 67335093; Cell: 00 371 26474087