The Director of NATO Strategic Communications Center of Excellence appointed

11/30/2018 - 11:05
In Latvia
Information prepared by
Media Relations Section

On January 14, the Cabinet of Ministers has appointed Mr. Jānis Kārkliņš, an experienced diplomat, as the Director of NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence (COE).


Mr. J.Kārkliņš has been selected for this position by competition organized by the Ministry of Defence of Latvia, recognizing the importance of his long-term diplomatic career and work experience, holding various high-level posts within the public sector and international organizations, as well as his experience in leading international working groups and conducting international talks. His last post - Assistant Director-General for Communication and Information in UNESCO - was considered of importance as it covered such areas of work as free flow of information, analysis of influence and development of new media, safeguarding the information and cultural diversity within world-wide information networks. Mr. J.Kārkliņš holds a degree in engineering sciences, and has  completed the Diplomat Training Program in Hoover Institute, Stanford University.


In order to launch the work of the COE, the Cabinet of Ministers has also approved a decree “Coordination Committee of NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence”. The Committee will be led by Mr. Jānis Sārts, State Secretary of Ministry of Defence of Latvia and members of Committee: Ms. Laine Kučinska, Deputy Director of the State Chancellery, Head of the Communications Department; Ms. Baiba Braže, Ambassador – Director General, Directorate of Security Policy and International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Colonel Leonīds Kalniņš, Commander of the National Guard; Mr. Kaspars Galkins, Head of the Military Public Affairs Department of Ministry of Defence of Latvia.


According to the law, the aim of NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence is to support and strengthen the Alliance’s strategic communications capabilities. Its task is to elaborate proposals and possible ways of action to improve strategic communications, to organize research and develop training, as well as give any other support in line with NATO priorities and tasks set within this field.


The law on “North Atlantic Treaty Organization Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence” has entered into force as of 1 January 2014.


More information about NATO StratCom COE: (English) and (Latvian).


Information prepared by:
Dace Kundrāte
Senior Desk Officer of Media Relation Section
Military Public Affairs Department
Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia
Phone: (+371) 6 7335254,