Germany deploys Control and Reporting Centre in the Latvian Air Force base in Lielvārde

11/28/2018 - 16:30
International cooperation
Information prepared by
Media Relations Section

German Armed Forces are bringing back the Deployable Control and Reporting Centre (DCRC) to Air Force Base of Latvian Armed Forces in Lielvārde in scope of NATO’s enhanced forward presence in the Eastern part of the Alliance.  DCRC will be deployed in Lielvārde for a three-month period.


DCRC will be plugged into the Baltic Air Surveillance Network BALTNET and integrated into NATO Airspace Surveillance and Control System. Staff of the DCRC will also train the personnel of Latvian Armed Forces.


Following Russia’s illegal annexation of Crimea in spring of 2014 and aggression in Eastern Ukraine, NATO, including Germany, decided to enhance its forward presence and help strengthen the security of Latvia.


German Armed Forces are bringing the Deployable Control and Reporting Centre back to Latvia in scope of the initiative ‘Persistent Presence’. This initiative is rolled out according to decisions adopted at the NATO Summit in Wale on enhanced forward presence aimed at strengthening regional security along the Alliance’s Eastern borders.


In July of last year, DCRC was deployed to Latvian Air Force base in Lielvārde for its first three-month period.


As we reported earlier, the second deployment of DCRC to Latvian Air Force base in Lielvārde was confirmed by German Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen during her official visit to Latvia this March.


DCRC deployment planning process was also supported by the NATO Forward Integration Team.


Media Relations Section
Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia
Phone: (+371) 6 7335045