Latvia will coordinate Baltic defence cooperation in 2023

01/11/2023 - 16:53
Defence policy
In Latvia
International cooperation
Information prepared by
Media Relations Section

On Wednesday, 11 January, Defence Minister Ināra Mūrniece travelled to Tallin, Estonia, to meet with her Baltic counterparts - Estonian Defence Minister Hanno Pevkur and Lithuanian Defence Minister Arvydas Anušauskas.

‘As our shared history and current geopolitical challenges demonstrate, Baltic countries are closely connected in terms of security. Meeting with Baltic colleagues in Tallin yet again underlines the close relationship and unwavering commitment to even more enhanced regional security our countries share. It is highly unlikely that Russia will change its current aggressive foreign policy. We must do everything it takes to prepare ourselves for potential aggression from the side of Russia,’ Minister Mūrniece said.

Meeting between Baltic defence ministers focused on regional security challenges and NATO agenda, including Alliance’s plans to boost deterrence and defence capabilities.

Ināra Mūrniece also spoke about Latvia’s priorities for Baltic defence cooperation in 2023, which will be coordinated by Latvia. ‘Our primary objective will be closer defence integration and greater response force  interoperability in various threat scenarios. We will continue negotiations on joint agreement between Baltic countries that would facilitate more rapid military assistance between countries in case of real threats. We will also continue to deepen military cooperation between Baltic countries. We will improve planning, develop legal instruments and continue to enhance joint capabilities,’ Minister Mūrniece stressed.

Baltic defence ministers also talked about Ukraine and Russian invasion, its impact on regional security and support provided and required in future to help Ukraine.
Meeting between Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian defence ministers took place in the format of Baltic Defence Ministers’ Committee. On 10 January 2023, in Tallin, Minister Mūrniece also had a bilateral meeting with Estonian Defence Minister Hanno Pevkur.

Contact information
Roberts Skraučs
Head of the Media Relations Section
Military Public Affairs Department
Tel.: 67335393