National Armed Forces sign a purchase contract for delivery of G-36 assault rifles

11/28/2018 - 14:52
Information prepared by
Preses nodaļa

Latvian Armed Forces and German defence manufacturing company Heckler & Koch GmbH have signed a framework agreement and purchase contract for delivery of Heckler’s G-36 assault rifles.

Framework agreement and purchase contract envisage a purchase of G-36 assault rifles and other type of weapons. This seven year contract will provide Latvian Armed forces and State Border Guard an opportunity to purchase necessary weapons. The total amount of contract exceeds EUR 13 million, excluding VAT. First batches of guns will be delivered to the National Armed Forces and Border Guard in 2018.

“Purchase of G-36 assault rifles and other guns under the agreement will allow us to modernise the National Armed Forces, National Guard and Border Guard arsenal with the same type of weapons. It will further enhance the close cooperation and joint development to which we have committed ourselves and are working towards,” underlined Defence Minister Raimonds Bergmanis.

G-36s are currently used by regular force units of the National Armed Forces. Now National Guard will gradually switch to these assault rifles, replacing the AK-4s used before.

According to the National Defence Concept, in cases when Latvia faces threats referred to in the National Armed Forces Law, State Border Guard is required to defend the nation and border guards are incorporated into the National Armed Forces to implement the tasks provided in relevant legislation and action plans. Purchase of G-36 assault rifles, a standard NATO weaponry, by National Armed Forces will foster compatibility of weapons and improve peacetime and crisis coordination.

Army received its first G-36s in 2006, and has been using them also during international missions in Asia and Africa. Lithuanian Army signed its G-36 purchase contract in 2016.  Brigade Anti-criminalite, French special police force, also uses this type of assault rifle based on its 2016 contract.

Media contacts:
Media Relations Section
Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia
Phone: (+371) 6 7335067