NATO to protect its members, allied commander assures Latvian defmin

11/28/2018 - 17:46
Defence policy
Information prepared by
Media Relations

General Hans-Lothar Domröse, Commander of Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum, during the meeting with Latvian Defense Minister Raimonds Vejonis assured him that NATO will comply with Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty, should it become necessary.

Vejonis thanked the NATO general for Allied Joint Force Command’s contribution to organization of Steadfast Jazz 2013 military exercise in Latvia which demonstrated the Alliance’s strength and presence in the region.

The operational aspects related to regional security and strengthening of cooperation between the headquarters were also discussed.

Joint Force Command Brunssum is the NATO military command based in Brunssum, Netherlands. It serves as the NATO higher headquarters for the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan (ISAF) and its other major activities include NATO Article 5 Operational Planning, Baltic Air Policing and NATO Response Force (NRF).

Daina Ozoliņa
Media relations section
Senior desk officer
Phone: 67335224