Pabriks: RAND Corporation makes recommendations on how to promote defence readiness
On Monday, 15 April, the US-based think tank, RAND Corporation, revealed its study 'Deterring Russian Aggression in the Baltic States Through Resilience and Resistance'.
RAND Corporation offers an analytical expertise on ways of strengthening deterrence efforts of the Baltic countries through improved societal preparedness and resilience. Analysis conducted by the US-based think tank looks into the worst-case scenario, where Russia has occupied the Baltic states. Study gives recommendations on how to coordinate response and resistance at different stages of conflict.
“Study proposes different measures that the Baltic countries should implement to enhance societal resilience and resistance against a potential aggressor,” stressed Defence Minister Artis Pabriks. “The whole society will have to engage in ensuring security in the case of a serious crisis, thus the Ministry of Defence has called for introduction of comprehensive approach to national defence. Comprehensive defence is the long-term solution leading to higher individual accountability for the nation and its security. It will bridge the gap between the government and citizens, as well as prevent possible conflicts in the society.”
“Continued presence of Allies, constant upgrading of NATO response frameworks and growing national capabilities reduce the likelihood of such negative scenarios. However, when it comes to military planning, you have to consider even the worst possible alternatives. This is where RAND Corporation study is going to help us," explained Defence Minister Pabriks. "Still, we should all remember that everyone of us is responsible for national security. If our people are ready to defend Latvia, no aggressor will ever dare to attack our country.”
As Ministry of Defence pointed out earlier, on 8 January, Cabinet of Ministers approved the Information Note Implementation of Comprehensive National Defence in Latvia. Its purpose is to raise the public awareness on how to protect yourself, your family members and the whole nation. It also puts forward self-organised community crisis response arrangements.
Moreover, on 2 April, government members voted on establishment of comprehensive national defence task force. This task force, chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence Artis Pabriks, is responsible for coordination and implementation of comprehensive national defence system in Latvia.
The initial comprehensive national defence implementation stage will primarily focus on development of military capabilities and defence strategies, closer defence cooperation between the private and public sector, school programme and general public awareness raising campaign on basic elements of the state, civil protection, psychological defence, strategic communication and economic resilience.
Line ministries have been requested to assess the impact of comprehensive national defence initiative on their sectors, and propose Ministry of Defence appropriate policy interventions by 1 September. Ministry of Defence aims to facilitate a broader discussion, not limited to responsible authorities. We would also welcome individual proposals on how to strengthen the national defence.
For full text of RAND Corporation study, go to: