In recent days, an increased Russian military activity has been stated near the Baltic States and the Nordic countries

11/28/2018 - 17:40
Defence policy
Information prepared by
Preses nodaļa

Already for several days, an increased activity of Russian armed forces may be observed near the borders of the Baltic States.

Today, a joint exercise of Belarussian Special Operations Forces and Russian Airborne Corps has started in Brest, Belarus, with participation of more than 1000 troops and combat vehicles. In addition, the exercise is taking place near the Latvian borders with participation of the 76th Air Assault Division and 98th Airborne Division with all elements of combat action, including taking of the airports of the adversary. At the same time, the Commander of the 76th Air Assault Division Major General Alexey Naumets has announced that division has received 10 tanks, and for the first time a company of heavy combat tanks has been formed within the division.

Several fighters "Mig-29" are redeployed from Kursk airport to Kaliningrad in order to perform the final test of the training year.

Western Military District hosts the exercises for the 26th (Luga) and 112th (Ivanovo) Tactical Missile Brigades of the Missile and Artillery Corps; the brigades are armed with advanced operational and tactical missile complexes "Iskander M/K" operating within the range of 500 kilometres.

Within the framework of these exercises, the 92nd Tactical Missile Brigade has been redeployed from the Central Military District (Orenburg) in order to test the ability of the brigade to deploy the missile complexes in an unfamiliar terrain in the strategic direction of the West. In addition, one of the tasks for this unit is to launch the missiles at the targets imitating the command centres and bases of the adversary.

Several aircraft of the Russian Armed Forces have been identified in the vicinity of the Latvian borders. Within two days three aircraft, "SU-27”, "SU-24” and "AN-26”, of the Russian Armed Forces were identified near the Latvian border.

Regarding the above-mentioned, the National Armed Forces have informed the personnel, and enhanced surveillance of the state land and sea borders and airspace is taking place.

Since the annexation of Crimea and Russian invasion in Ukraine in spring of 2014, the Latvian Armed Forces carry out increased surveillance  of the borders of our country, and perform necessary information exchange with the allies. Specific procedures of the Armed Forces are enhanced also in cases when military exercises take place in the border area of our country. 


Information prepared by:
Kaspars Galkins
Director of Military Public Relations department of MoD
Telephone: 67335085