Secretary of the United States Air Force visits the Air Force Base “Lielvārde”

08/22/2024 - 16:57
In Latvia
International cooperation
Information prepared by
Media Relations Section

On Thursday, 22 August, the State Secretary of the Ministry of Defense Aivars Puriņš and Air Force commander Colonel Viesturs Masulis met with the Secretary of the United States Air Force Frank Kendall during his visit at the National Armed Force Air Base "Lielvārde".

“Alongside our Latvian allies, we consistently and convincingly demonstrate NATO’s value as an enduring deterrent to potential aggressors in the Baltics. The United States deeply appreciates Latvia’s contributions to our mutual security relationship. Visiting Lielvarde Air Base and seeing all our partners working together there was a terrific experience,” after the visit at the National Armed Force Air Base "Lielvārde," said Secretary of the United States Air Force Frank Kendall. 

“Military presence of the United States in Latvia and investments into development of our capabilities send a strong signal of deterrence, which is very significant in current geopolitical situation. Secretary of the United States Air Force and I discussed the next steps in Latvian-US cooperation, which will further contribute to the development of our military capabilities and strengthen Latvia's defense,” State Secretary of the Ministry of Defense Aivars Puriņš commented the meeting.

During the meeting, the officials discussed defense cooperation between Latvia and the United States, topical issues in Latvian defense policy and the development of the capabilities of the National Armed Forces, as well as the situation of regional security and support to Ukraine in strengthening its defense capabilities.

Mr. Puriņš briefed Mr. Kendall on the priorities of the Latvian defense sector, including the implementation of the National Defence Service and comprehensive national defense, the establishment of Selonia Military Training Area and strengthening of air defense. Further opportunities of joint military exercises at the Air Base "Lielvārde" and Selonia Military training area were discussed, as well. 

The officials also spoke about the NATO Baltic Air Policing Mission and Latvia's experience in hosting the NATO Baltic Air Policing Mission. 

During his visit, Mr. Kendall got acquainted with the infrastructure of the National Armed Force Air Base "Lielvārde" and met with Latvian and allied soldiers stationed at the base. 

The Air Base “Lielvārde” is manned on a rotational basis by the US Air Force personnel, Spanish NASAMS anti-aircraft battery personnel, as well as German Air Force personnel ensuring the NATO Baltic Air Policing Mission from the base. 

The long-term US military presence in Latvia and support for strengthening the military capabilities of the National Armed Force significantly strengthens Latvia's defense within NATO. The U.S. continues to support the acquisition of Black Hawk helicopters, Naval Strike Missiles and HIMARS missile artillery systems.

As already reported, in December 2023 Latvia and the US announced about signing an agreement on the acquisition of Naval Strike Missile anti-ship missile systems manufactured by the US company Raytheon and the Norwegian company Kongsberg. At the same time, Latvia signed an agreement with the US government for the purchase of six HIMARS high mobility artillery rocket systems manufactured by Lockheed Martin at the end of last year. Latvia is expected to receive these missile systems starting from 2027.

The US is a long-standing strategic partner and ally of Latvia and plays an important role in strengthening Latvia's security. Latvia and the US have a relationship based on shared values and security interests. 

Media contacts: 

MoD Military Public Affairs Department
Media Relations Section
Phone: 67335045