Licence for commercial activities with military-grade explosives and unexploded ordnance for the investigation of potentially polluted and polluted territories, for the search, identification, removal, collection and storage of unexploded ordnance

Who can receive the licence?

In accordance with the requirements set out in Section 441, Part Five of the Law "On Pollution", sole traders or commercial companies are entitled to receive a license issued by the Ministry of Defence shall issue a licence to merchants for the investigation of territory potentially polluted and polluted with explosive articles of military nature and with unexploded ammunition and for the search, identification, removal, collection, and storage of unexploded ammunition, if State security institutions do not have information at their disposal regarding the fact that the activities of the relevant merchant are directed against the security of the Republic of Latvia or such merchant has violated the restrictions included in international agreements binding upon the Republic of Latvia or specified by international organisations, or violations of economic activity or labour law have been detected in relation to a court ruling in relation to the activities thereof which has entered into effect during the last year, or a decision (opinion) of another competent authority, and if the participants of merchants (natural persons), except for stockholders whose participation in the equity capital of a company is less than 10 per cent of the equity capital of the company, proctors, managers, persons who hold positions in administrative institutions, as well as employees (certified specialists) who are directly related to conducting of the abovementioned activities of such merchant comply with the following requirements:

1.    Are Latvian citizens or European Union Member State citizens, or citizens of the European Economic Area of at least 21 years of age;
2.    Have not been punished for the committing of a criminal offence;
3.    No mental disturbance has been diagnosed for them;
4.    No addition to alcohol, narcotic, psychotropic or toxic substances has been diagnosed for them;
5.    Within the last five years have not been administratively punished for violations committed under the influence of alcohol, narcotic, psychotropic or toxic substances;
6.    The office of the public prosecutor or State security institutions do not have information which attests to their membership of prohibited militarised or armed groups, prohibited public organisations, parties or the unions thereof;
7.    Are not accused in criminal proceedings;
8.    Have not been released from criminal liability in accordance with Section 58 of The Criminal Law - not sooner than a year after entering into effect of the relevant decision;
9.    Have not been conditionally released from criminal liability in accordance with Section 58.1 of the Criminal Law - sooner than expiration of the probationary period;
10.    Have not been released from punishment in accordance with Section 59 of the Criminal Law - sooner than a year after entering into effect of a ruling regarding release from punishment;
11.    They have not been applied the status of a suspect in criminal proceedings for committing of a serious or especially serious crime;
12.    The operation of the certificate has not been suspended.

For what period of time is the licence issued?
Licence is issued for an indefinite period of time.

What is the process of acquiring the licence?
Process is laid out by Republic of Latvia Cabinet Regulation No. 243 (Adopted 30 April 2013) “Procedure for certification of specialists and licensing of merchants for work with explosives of a military nature and exploration and remediation of military contaminated territories”. In order to receive the licence, the merchant shall submit an application to the Ministry of Defence Comitee of Licence Issuance of the licence  (Annex 3 of Regulation No. 243) and the following information:
1.    a list indicating the participants of the merchant – natural persons (except for shareholders whose participation in the company's share capital is less than 10 percent of the company's share capital), procurators, managers and persons holding positions in the administrative institution, as well as hired certified specialists (indicating the position and personal identification number of each person)
2.    an opinion of a psychiatrist and a narcologist regarding the health status of the participants of the merchant – natural persons (except for shareholders whose participation in the company's share capital is less than 10 percent of the company's share capital), procurators, managers and persons holding positions in the administrative institution
3.    a certified copy of the employment contract for each certified specialist hired.
The procedure for conducting investigation and remediation of territories potentially polluted with military explosives and unexploded ordnance is determined by Cabinet Regulation No. 672 (Adopted 25 August 2008) "Procedure for Investigation and Remediation of Territories Contaminated with Military Explosives and Unexploded Ordnance and Potentially Contaminated Territories".

Where should the documents for receiving the licence be turned in?
Documents should be turned in to Ministry of Defence Comitee of Licence Issuance (Address: K. Valdemāra 10/12, Riga, LV-1473) or by sending them in an electronic form to the official e-mail.

To receive answers about related questions, please contact us by the following e-mail or telephone number:  , 67335233.

Licence for commercial activities with military-grade explosives and unexploded ordnance for the investigation of potentially polluted and polluted territories, for the search, identification, removal, collection and storage of unexploded ordnance.